Pure Contacts

We look forward to hear from you. Get in touch with our team.



Pure Holding AG

Etzmatt 273, 4314 Zeiningen, Switzerland

T: +41 61 853 72 72
E: info@pureeurope.eu

Pure Production AG

Schützenmattstrasse 16, 5080 Laufenburg Switzerland

T: +41 61 853 72 72
E: info@pureeurope.eu

Pure Pharma AG

Schützenmattstrasse 16, 5080 Laufenburg, Switzerland

T: +41 61 853 72 72
E: info@pureeurope.eu

Puregene AG

Etzmatt 273, 4314 Zeiningen, Switzerland

T: +41 61 853 72 72
E: info@puregene.com


Communication & Media

Renato Auer
Chief Communications Officer

T: +41 61 551 44 01
E: auer@pureeurope.eu



Agata Kilon
Head of Production

T: +41 61 853 72 72
E: kilon@pureeurope.eu